Free Entry Seminar.

Explore Job Opportunities in Japan

Are you looking to pursue a rewarding career in Japan?

Join the Seminar Hosted By
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July 1, 2024Save the Date
11:00 AM - 5:00 PMJoin us at
Amrapali Banquet, KTMGet Direction

Human Edge Nepal, in collaboration with KATO Co. Ltd, a Japanese HR consulting company, is organizing a free seminar to help you understand and prepare for exciting job opportunities abroad. Join us on Monday, July 1, 2024 to discover how you can elevate your career and explore new horizons in Japan.

What to expect

Comprehensive Information Sessions

Gain in-depth knowledge about job opportunities in Japan from industry experts and representatives directly from Japan.

Language and Skill Requirements

Learn about the necessary skills and qualifications needed to meet Japanese standards.

Detailed Application Process

Get step-by-step guidance on the application process, including documentation, visa requirements, and timelines, to secure a job in Japan.

Training and Preparation Support

Discover the training programs and resources available to help you meet the eligibility criteria and excel in your chosen field.

Networking Opportunities

Connect with industry professionals, Japanese representatives, and fellow aspirants.

Q&A Session

Get clarity on any doubts or concerns you might have about the job roles, salary expectations, and career growth in Japan.